August 6th - Day 5, To the left is a picture of one of the radars here at MMAC, I happen to be in the Radar Training Facility (RTF) building although we haven't touched a radar yet. Actually I don't think we get to play with any radar scenarios until week 6. There was nothing really outta the ordinary today woke up at 5:40 headed down to the airport shuttle again and went to class. We had Richard and Truitt teaching us today instead of Burt, although Burt did make an appearance. Apparently Fridays although today is Thursday it was Burt's Friday he always wears a red shirt on Friday (Shelly and Terry thought you'd like that) and his wife has a commitment to always bake cookies for his students on Fridays, those cookies were amazing. Snicker doodles and some peanut butter cookies with something like cinnamon, mmmmmm yummy. Thank goodness for the cooking cause class was rough today. I kid you not we've done over 100 pages of material already in this first week that we're supposed to be able to account for all of it.
Last night was interesting, we had storms again which apparently they do like here in OK, and storms all day today. I thought his was funny, I heard it hailing really good last night sounded like golf balls pelting the roof and walls. Then this afternoon I was watching TV and there was a commercial where they have a bunch of cars on sale at the dealership due to damage from the hail storm. I thought it was hilarious you won't see anything like that in CA. That's about the extent of my day, came home did my laundry set up the web cam and plan on relaxing for the rest of the night only one more day of class this week!!! YAY!!! First Weekend here I come :)
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